Friday, August 6, 2010

Up Yours Barcelona

I can imagine Barcelona's dressing room before their players left for the World Cup. Pep Guardiola must have entered and said to his players, "Well done boys and thank you for all your hard work this season. But like every year, the president has homework for all you guys this summer! Now I know you will be busy with the World Cup this summer, but it will not take too much of your time, and will save the club an incredible amount of money. This year, your task is to destabilize your Spanish team-mate Cesc Fabregas! Most of you already know how to do it, but for those who are new, Carlos Puyol will explain how to do it! It's simple!"

And the Barca players have done their jobs beautifully, haven't they? But it's not about the Barcelona players alone. Barcelona Football Club, as a whole, is running probably the biggest disinformation campaign in the whole world right now. "Cesc belongs to Barcelona F.C." is the biggest load of garbage I have heard for a long time. The interview Puyol gave after Wenger basically told Barcelona to go to hell shows how despicable Barcelona are. Here's the interview, and my thoughts.

"I wonder how intelligent it is keeping a player who doesn't want to be there."

It is very intelligent, Carlos Puyol, believe me. He is a great player, is under contract for 5 more years and is very important to us. If your club is as desperate as it seems, it will pay the market price - your already huge debts may swell further, but who cares? And losing Fabregas to that laughable, derisory offer of 29 million would be less intelligent than keeping him unhappy at Arsenal.

"After seven years of great service, I thought Arsenal could have granted him his dream move."

The most annoying and unintelligent of all comments. So let's get this straight once and for all. Cesc hasn't 'served' Arsenal for 7 years. Arsenal has served him for 7 years. Arsenal got him when he was 16, and was not sure about his own ability to break into the Barcelona team. Fabregas came to Arsenal because he was sure that Wenger would make him the player he is today - as good a player as anybody at Barcelona could make him. He would not have come if he did not trust Wenger. And Arsenal, with one of the best (if not THE best) academies in the world, nurtured him and helped him be an exceptional player.

'Barcelona DNA' is absolute hogwash. Does anybody really believe he got more from Barcelona from the age of 10-16 than he got from Arsenal after that? Yes, he came with a good technique, but majority of kids from the continent do. Do they all become great players? They don't, unless a very very good academy is there to nurture them. And how does age even matter? Was he even one-tenth as good as he is now when he came to Arsenal? No. Arsenal has made Fabregas. Just like Arsenal made Vieira, Henry and many more.

"Cesc has given everything to Arsenal to try to win a trophy but they haven't matched his expectations"

Cesc has only started to repay Arsenal. He is quite a few years away from completely doing so. A player in Fabregas' position can hardly have higher 'expectations' from a club like Arsenal. The club has given him everything, so let's not even talk of 'expectations'. Also, does Fabregas not share responsibility for the team's performance? He appeared in only 27 out of 38 league games last season (many of the appearances were as a substitute). And Arsenal was fighting for the title till the last 4 games. Had he been available to start more games than he did, we could have won the league. We can consider his 'expectations' when he fulfils ours, at least partly.

"I won't say he is in a prison, as we know how privileged we are as football players.
"But after how clear Cesc made it that he wanted to be in Barcelona, I thought they would have granted him that."

At least the first line makes some sense, but Puyol is back to his half-witted talk in the next line. If Fabregas was so keen on moving, he should not have signed a long term contract. Arsenal showed great commitment to him by making him the club's highest earner and offering him such a long term contract. The contract means that even if Fabregas suffers an injury that leaves him useless for the rest of the contract period, Arsenal still pay him those 80,000 pounds every single week. That is a big commitment, when made for as many as 5-6 years.

Fabregas knew what he was doing when he signed the contract, so there is no use weeping like a baby to Spanish fans and creating a soap opera. He should stop acting like a little girl with statements such as 'I wish to see you (Barca fans) more often *sob**sob*sob*'. And if he does not realise how much Arsenal has done for him so far, and still wishes to go, we can grant him that, provided Barcelona pay the right price. Barcelona cannot expect to get Fabregas cheap with their dirty, abject, absolutely loathsome tap-up campaign.

"We all thought a deal would be done this summer. But Arsenal have refused to talk and we are going to have to wait another year to get Cesc home."

I hope Barcelona has to wait more, even if it means Cesc not playing his best football at Arsenal. Arsenal is under no financial pressure to sell.

How I wish Ramsey wasn't injured. Ramsey was as classy as Fabregas and was very close to being a great player, till that hatchet man broke his leg. Maybe it would have taken him another year to actually be as influential, but he was almost there. Now we can only hope for Ramsey's recovery. But thanks to Wenger and his network of scouts and coaches, we have an assembly line of amazingly creative players. So there is a good chance we can make very good use of that one year if we get it.

"He is far too classy a guy to say it but the truth is he doesn't want to be at Arsenal this season. His heart is already in Barcelona, even though we must wait another year for his body to be here"

I thought he was classy too, but apparently not. He has had to come back to Arsenal after Wenger refused to even consider the sale, but we all know he wanted to go. And he has gone around declaring his wish to play for Barcelona to his Spanish teammates, who obviously are doing the talking on his behalf. He has been influenced, as expected with more than half the Barca team playing for Spain. And jokers like Pepe Reina have been only too happy to be a part of this nonsense. But how much can you influence a person who himself doesn't wish to go? Fabregas was already at the edge, in my opinion, and Barcelona pushed him off it. One cannot absolve Fabregas from this affair at all.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Fabregas and I know he loves Arsenal. But I am really aggrieved because of two reasons. First, because he is turning his back on the club that made him into what he is, at a time when he is close to fulfilling what the club worked hard for. Despite all the speculation for the last few years, I never thought he would do that, because I always believed he knew how indebted he was to Arsenal.

And second, because he has acted in the manner that he has. If Arsenal really really mattered that much to him, he would have stayed. If not that, he at least would have kept his mouth shut all this time. He would not have gone around talking about Barcelona with his Spanish teammates. And he at least would have refrained from his weepy speeches talking of his Catalan roots, acting like a victim here.

Instead, he has gone ahead and done all that, and keeps sending out mixed signals all the time - I am captain of Arsenal but Barcelona is my home; I love Arsenal, but I love Barca too - it's tiring. He knows his going would be a big blow to Arsenal and what they have stood for for so long. He could have at least chosen to give Arsenal a few of his peak years. Yet it seems that he has started to believe that every year he stays at Arsenal, he is doing a favour to the club.

"We know he is arriving next season. Barcelona have a whole year to sort the deal out.

More Barca talk - arrogant and disrespectful.

"He is professional enough still to have a great season and also because he has a lot of respect for the Arsenal fans.
"But anybody who tries to convince themselves he wanted to stay at Arsenal is wrong."

I agree. Arsenal have to accept he wants to go, but that needn't mean letting him go cheap.

I feel that keeping an unhappy player is not entirely wise, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. If a club like Barcelona work all year to create an unhappy situation in a player's mind, and then come to the table with a disgraceful offer of 29 million knowing that they have succeeded in destabilizing the player, there is no way a club like Arsenal should bend. It would be inexcusable if Arsenal allowed this to happen and I, as a fan, would be extremely hurt if it did happen.

I must mention one thing here. The way Arsenal have responded to Barcelona's pettiness makes me proud to be a Gooner. Arsenal have been dignified, even when dealing with contemptible behaviour. And Arsenal have shown great strength and resolve. They have been so strong that Barcelona have been made to look helpless.

This situation has made me look more optimistically than I did when the first indication of Fabregas' desire to leave came. I still think that if Fabreas does leave anytime soon, it will be a big blow to Arsenal's youth policy (real youth policy, unlike that of some clubs who only claim to have one). But Arsenal have a choice, and Arsenal alone will decide Fabregas' future. They can choose to not let him go at any cost.

Even if he does go this year, we must remember that the focus on youth has helped Arsenal go through tough times incredibly well. Competing with the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United at a fraction of their budgets was no mean feat, and it was made possible by our philosophy of youth. It helped us when it was needed the most. So even if it takes a moral blow now, we know it helped us survive. We now have an infrastructure of youth that is ahead of its times, and extremely difficult to set up. With better times approaching, our policy can be suitably tweaked, in a way that will make us more competent without deviating significantly from our core.

Essentially, though we are in a difficult situation with respect to Fabregas, we hold all the aces here. Arsenal will decide when, if at all, to let him go, and at what price. And Arsenal can recover from such a situation better than most people can imagine. As has been the case for years, the academy will take care of the club. In Nasri, Ramsey and Wilshere, we have three potential replacements. Most clubs will be lucky to have one Fabregas. Even if we lose one, we may create three. That is how Arsenal Football Club has been under Wenger. And that is how it will continue to be.


  1. Hi Tanmay,

    Sure, Barcelona act as badly off the field as they work beautifully on it. But I think they got to you. This is what they set out to do this pre-season. Get every Arsenal fan riled up against Cesc with their continual spewing of absolute bull (or "noise" as Arsene calls it).

    What has Cesc done wrong? He gave his all during all this time with the club - even last season for which he was out injured a lot of the time. He has been the outstanding player along with RvP after Henry left and you can't fault his dedication to the club. In games where players like Denilson and Diaby just show up so they can collect their paychecks at the end of the week, Cesc is one of a group of players (along with RvP and Vermaelen) that actually go out to play some football and win games for Arsenal. They want to do well for the club and represent Arsenal pride.

    Let's assume he DID speak with Arsene about moving to Barcelona - going off what the English/Spanish press would have you believe - after Wenger made it clear we were not going to sell him, when did he come out and say he wanted to leave no matter what? In which case, he could have handed in a transfer request (that may or may not be honored by the club) and the matter would have been made public.

    I think both Arsenal and Cesc have been pretty professional in this whole debacle. The only ones who came off looking stupid and with egg on their faces are Barcelona.

    That's my (not-so-subtle) seg-way into Barcelona's mess - their primary spokesman has not been the coach or the captain or the outgoing president or the incoming president or the technical director or the groundsman or the janitor... it has been Xavi, a player who I'm sure every team would love to have in their ranks (if they could tape his mouth shut!) The fact of the matter is he has been Barca's mouthpiece for far too long - I think I remember his DNA comments from atleast a year and a half ago. Plus, Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini have proved their impotence once again and have done nothing to stop this inane rubbish from Barcelona that amounts to 'tapping up' of our Captain and nothing less.

    I, for one, have lost any and all respect for Barcelona and while I may cheer for the style of football they play, I will not support their team henceforth. In fact, I do hope Mourhinio's arrival re-ignites the Madrid legend and they dominate the Spanish league for years to come.



  2. Ok, here's his official statement from today -

    *He does mention wanting to play for Barcelona
    *Two formal offers were refused

    He says it best -

    "I am a professional and I fully understand that it is Arsenal's prerogative not to sell me.

    "I owe a lot to the Club, manager and the fans and I will respect their decision and will now concentrate on the new season ahead with Arsenal.

    "I can assure all the fans that now the negotiations have ended I will be 100 percent focused on playing for Arsenal.

    "I am an Arsenal player and as soon as I step out on to the pitch, that is the only club I will be thinking about.

    "I am looking forward to the start of the season and putting this speculation behind me."

  3. Hi Tushar, thanks for your comments.

    But I whole-heartedly disagree with your interpretation of Cesc's behaviour. I think he could have cut the speculation whenever he wanted, but didn't. The only reason he 'was not sure till the end' was because he was hoping till the last minute that he could go to Barcelona. Wanting to leave was his first act of disloyalty, given what Arsenal have given him.

    Even in his interview, he is acting like a sufferer. He has been acting like a victim all summer. I usually think papers report crap about Arsenal, but the fact that Fabregas didn't quell speculation says a lot. If he had ANY sense, he would not have gone around weeping to Barca fans, saying 'I wish to see you more often."

    Lets hope he is professional now. He promises he will in the interview he has given. Lets hope it happens. But as far as the summer saga is concerned, I would never absolve him of the blame.

  4. Hi Tanmay and Tushar,

    I also disagree with you Tushar of not blaming Cesc to allow this drama to go for so long.
    In the first place, Cesc is under contract,so he should not have displayed his love, affection for his boyhood club. Forget, what barcelona did , we all know Spanish clubs behave in such a manner, they destabilize players and fans.
    I was furious on the prank played by Puyol and Piques, wrapping Fabregas in Barca shirt and our captain accepting the prank in a loving manner. He did not show his commitment to Arsenal at that point of time.Still he remained mum on the whole episode. He waited till the very last moment hoping that he would be able to convince Arsene to let him off.

    "I have had many conversations with Arsène Wenger both in person and over the phone over the last few months and although the content of those conversations will remain private, the conclusion is that Barcelona have had two formal offers rejected by Arsenal.

    What does this prove?: he never wanted to play for Arsenal this season. All this while he was trying to convince Wenger. He failed eventually, now he is forced to remain at Emirates.

    "I am an Arsenal player and as soon as I step out on to the pitch, that is the only club I will be thinking about.

    Sorry Mr Cesc, as an Arsenal captain much more is expected from you than giving thinking about Arsenal on the field and about Barcelona off the field.

    Cesc has exceptional talent, but I think he has been too emotional in whole saga. He doesn't realise he has no place to play in Barca's overcrowded midfield, unless Guardolia has promised him start in all the matches.

    Overall, We love Cesc, we want him to be at Arsenal...but clearly I can see him leaving next time and trust me now it should not be painful for any of Arsenal fans to see Cesc leave.

  5. Henry (the 2nd most talented player to play for Arsenal but the most loved even after he moved on) left us to play for Barcelona too... and his decision was vindicated when they won all the trophies in that one year... Cesc wanted no different...

    Either of them leaving is/was the worst case for us... I didn't want Henry to leave as much I didn't want Cesc to leave...

    Like I had said earlier, this season being an election year at Barcelona, this was always going to be a long, protracted affair with the press throwing it in the limelight time and again. Add to this Barcelona's behavior and the fact that they tried to low-ball us by offering almost half of what he's worth and you could see that this was never going to go the way we wanted to...

    So, all things considered, both Henry and Cesc made their careers at Arsenal, both have always given their all for us and both wanted to leave us for Barcelona. The difference is that Henry was in a team that helped us win trophies. Cesc has not had that sort of quality surrounding him.

    If you are willing to blame Cesc for wanting to leave, then I hope you hold Henry in the same boat.

    PS - In case you were wondering, the most talented player to play for Arsenal would be Dennis Bergkamp (DB10) in my book...

  6. Tushar, the comparison with Henry is incorrect. Henry was past his prime and Wenger didn't mind selling him because his presence was in fact a weight on the team. I remember we challenged for the title and were on top till February the year after he left.

    Henry was not at an age where he needed to repay what the club did for him. He already did everything for the club that he could, and left at the age of 30. And he did not struggle for a move that badly, and he did not make weepy speeches to his wannabe team-mates.

    That is the difference between Henry and Cesc. I am not saying Cesc is a villain. I am saying that some part of the blame does lie with Cesc.
